Warts are
round,pale,harmless growths that affect the upper most layers of your
skin.Warts are caused by a virus that can also be spread from one person to
another.They can spread on different areas of your body.They are categorized
according to the area of your body where they would occur.Common warts will
appear on your hands,feet,knees,and face. Throughout this article I want to
inform you all more about different types of warts so that you will know what
to look for in case you are suspicious.
Flat warts which have flat tops,will appear on the
wrists,arms,legs,and also your face.Plantar warts are found on the bottom of
your feet,and will appear flattened by the pressure of the body.Genital warts
are found on the genitals and do require you to get them treated by your
physician as soon as possible.The one most important factor for a woman is to
know that genital warts may increase the risk of cervical cancer.
Warts (with the exception of genital warts) do not require
you to seek treatment by your physician unless they are causing you
pain.Plantar warts,for example,may cause walking uncomfortable.When trying to
treat your warts on your own it may help you to know you can use an
over-the-counter wart remover that will contain salicylic acid.Make sure that
you do not apply any wart removers to your skin that is healthy around the
Most important wash your hands before and after you touch
the warts so that you will prevent the warts to spread to other areas of your
body.When going to a doctor you should have as much knowledge as possible about
the warts you have.A physician can remove the warts with liquid
nitrogen,corrosive agents,or even surgery.Genital warts may be treated by your
physician with a drug called podophyllin.
All warts may recur because the virus will remain in your
body indefinitely.To prevent the transmission of the genital warts,be safe and
use a condom during sexual contact.Also you can try applying liberal amounts of
vitamin E oil on the area that is affected (although some people are sensitive
to it and should not put it on their skin).You may also want to try and take
garlic-parsley tablets to relieve the warts.
Although warts can be an embarrassing sight do not let them
go if they are causing you pain.Remember that embarrassment can go away but
pain cannot without the proper treatment. I am stressing to woman who have
genital warts,do not wait to get treated because of embarrassment.These are not
like regular warts,They can be very dangerous if not treated.Cervical cancer is
not to be treated lightly.These warts can have a very high risk for woman to
get cervical cancer,so please get them treated immediately.Believe me your
gynecologist has seen a lot worse in his life.
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