It is very
important to give proper attention to one's health especially in today's times.
There are individuals who encounter problems with caffeine and as you know,
green tea does contain caffeine. You can see a lot of advertisements on
television about the positive effects of drinking the said tea but for those
individuals who can't take caffeine, they should be extra careful.
It seems
that despite the good things about green tea, the modern community was able to
prove that it also has a negative effect. Well, before you decide whether you
will continue drinking green tea or not, read on and discover some amazing
facts about the intake of green tea.
Some of the
harmful effects of caffeine intake in people are heart palpitations, jitters,
insomnia, and many other unwanted effects. Because of this realization,
manufacturers of green tea are now producing decaffeinated extracts to cater to
the needs of those who can't take caffeine.
In fact,
there are now supplements which are also decaffeinated. You should get this
type of green tea and supplements especially if you're not allowed to take
beverages with caffeine. Although the caffeine content in green tea is much
less than coffee, a person who is extra sensitive to caffeine will experience
the same unwanted effects by drinking the tea.
For every
eight ounces of tea, the caffeine content is about forty milligrams. Are you
already computing your tea intake and the caffeine that you're getting? The
caffeine contents are relatively smaller in green tea and if you can can get
away with it without any bad effects, you will also benefit in other health
Even if
green tea contains caffeine, it also contains antioxidants like polyphenols
which can benefit the body. The antioxidants can help in preventing certain
types of cancer, lowers the bad cholesterol in the body, and it can enhance the
immune system. The health benefits are truly amazing and this may the very
reason why even the ancient Chinese continued to serve green tea at home and to
their guests.
The modern
world enjoys advanced medical technology and so it is no longer a surprise if
scientists and researchers discover the good things about green tea. More and
more advanced clinical studies and lab tests are conducted to prove the tea's
healing properties. If you think that the positive effects of green tea
outweighs the negative, then there's no reason for you to stop taking it.
In truth
and in fact, caffeine occurs in cocoa beans, tea, and coffee. Cola drinks also
contain caffeine because manufacturers use it to enhance the drink's flavor.
Green tea and black tea defintely has caffeine because the plant (Camellia
sinensis) itself contain caffeine.
If you're
afraid of the effects of caffeine, you can just purchase the decaffeinated
green tea. Even if the tea no longer contains caffeine, it would still taste
the same; you will still get the great 'kick' in taste when you drink it. Most
of the tea's caffeine are removed in the decaf process. However, some studies
show that because of the decaf process, the healing properties are ruined.
If you do
have extreme problems with caffeine, then most probably you will go for the
decaf green tea. For people who don't have any problems connected to caffeine,
it is advisable to drink the original green tea so that you can benefit from
its healing properties.
All in all,
the benefits of drinking the original tea preparation outweigh the negative
effects. It is up to you whether you drink the decaf green tea or the original
one. There's black, green, and red tea. Green tea is obviously in the middle in
terms of caffeine content. So what's it's gonna be? Decaf, original, or no tea
at all?
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