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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Examining Yeast Infection Causes & Be aware of the various symptoms of yeast infection

Yeast is a fungus. Yes that’s something you should know about. Why? Well, because knowledge is part of finding a solution to your problems. The truth is, vaginal infections do vary. Despite some inherent similarities, there are different causes of the infection and each one may require specific kinds of treatment. If you don’t know which one is which, you might end up applying a different treatment which may cause more hard that good I bet. Yeast infection symptoms don’t have much unique characteristics which would allow you to distinguish. Of course, we do encourage that you have your doctor examine your condition to get more accurate diagnosis and thus a more effective treatment.

Yeast, or Candida as it is known scientifically, are present on any normal human skin. Also, moist areas like the mouth and more specifically you vagina, are common places where yeast can grow. Do not be alarmed. According to studies, a large number of women carry yeast in their vaginal area. In fact it is said that almost 50% of women have yeast. So, if it is normal why the infection? There are actually several reasons, one of which is when there is an excess presence of yeast in the area. Another one is when new yeast materials are placed into the same area.

Some other reasons include taking oral contraceptives, diabetes mellitus, use of vaginal sprays like perfume and even hygiene sprays for women.

There are several tell tale signs that you might have some infection in your sensitive parts. But like what have been mentioned earlier, the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection have a number of similarities with symptoms of other infections

The first sign of possible yeast infection is experiencing itchiness in that region. There may be several other conditions where itchiness is the primary indication. That may be, but combining itchiness with the following other symptoms would help you narrow down your list of culprits and eventually identify the disorder as yeast infection. Other symptoms include burning, and soreness. A good indication also would be if pain is being experienced during intercourse.

Sometimes, pain is also felt during urination. You might want to have yourself checked since pain should never be ignored. If you feel pain, and this applies to all parts of your body, consult your doctor quickly. The matter might be worse than you earlier thought it was.

Also, the presence of vaginal discharge may be a good indication as well. Take note, however, that vaginal discharge is not always observed in women with yeast infections. Nevertheless, it is something that you should take note of. The discharge is often odorless and has a whitish color. The appearance and texture is similar to, pardon the comparison, to cottage cheese. Vulvodynia is the term used to describe the pain experienced in the vulvar area.

After knowing the symptoms and, of course, proper consultations from your doctor, hopefully your yeast infections might have been cured completely. There are times, however, when yeast infection occurs with the same women. An estimated size of 5% will experience problems of recurring yeast infections. The reasons why yeast infections recur may be due to more underlying medical conditions that you have.

For the most part, it would be best to observe closely your health and the various yeast infection symptoms to get to know what steps you would need to undertake next.

Examining Yeast Infection Causes

Candidiasis is the scientific name for yeast infection.  Yeast is everywhere in our bodies particularly in our mouths, abdomen, under arms, nail beds or any part of our body that has skin folds.  For women, yeast can usually be found under the breasts and the vagina.  But if the yeast in our bodies reach more than the normal levels, that’s when yeast infection strikes.  Yeast infection causes our bodies to produce too much yeast and is triggered by a fungus called Candida Albicans.  This fungus likes to thrive in moist areas of our bodies.  The most common symptom of yeast infection is severe itching in the affected area.   

Common Yeast Infections

Yeast infection can happen to anyone.  In fact, it affects men, women and even children. The most common types if yeast infection are, vaginal yeast infections, thrush, diaper rashes and nail bed infections.

Vaginal Yeast Infection

The most frequent yeast infection in women is vaginal yeast infection when there is abnormal growth of yeast in the vagina that causes vaginal burning, itching and discharge. This type of infection is usually caused by taking antibiotics and steroids but it can also be prompted by pregnancy, sperm, diabetes and taking birth control pills.  Vaginal yeast infection happens more to women after menopause.

The first symptom of vaginal yeast infection is noticing a white cheesy discharge from the vagina that causes the area to itch.  Experiencing pain during sexual intercourse and urination is another symptom.


Thrush is a yeast infection of the mouth.  Thrush can occur to people who take anti-inflammatory medicines, antibiotics or birth control pills.  A person is likely to get thrush if they are a smoker or wear dentures that are either too loose or too tight.  Mothers can also get thrush from their babies through breastfeeding.

An indication that of thrush infection seeing white creamy cuts that appear slightly raised anywhere in the mouth.  These cuts can sting especially if they are scratched off.  Other symptoms of thrush include having trouble swallowing and fever especially if the infection has spread to the throat

Diaper Rash

Diaper rashes can also be caused by yeast infection and it happens to babies not older than two years old and to adults who use diapers.  Since the candida fungus thrives in moist places, it’s not uncommon that it would infect the area where the diaper meets the skin.  Diaper rashes appear as bright red splotches in the skin and it can occur after taking antibiotics.

It’s easy to spot a diaper rash. The irritated area of a diaper rash can spread all over a baby’s bottom, their genitalia or in specific areas.  It can also appear in the folds of the skin.

Nail bed Infections

Yeast infection can also occur on the skin under the nails.  Aside from the common causes of yeast infection, nail bed infections also happen when the hands are exposed to water frequently or when a manicure had been badly done.    

Nail bed infections are painful and the area around the nail will appear red and swollen.  The worst kind of nail infection can cause the fingernail to separate from the skin so that the nail bed turns into an ugly shade of yellow or white.

Yeast infection is a treatable disease and it goes away without any complications.  These common types of yeast infections get cleared up in one to two weeks.  The best defense against yeast infection causes is having a strong immune system that will protect you from the recurrence of the disease.


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