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Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Guide and A couple of tips to prevent yeast infection

It’s not that difficult really. There are a number of simple and easy to follow ways in preventing yeast infection. You don’t have to make things as complicated as they sound. Simple, straight to the point prevention tips as well as solutions or cure can help make your life a lot easier and a lot comfortable compared to having a yeast infection. A couple of tips to prevent yeast infection are to follow so sit tight and continue reading.

Yeast infection results from the increase growth of the fungi Candida. The fungus is present in most of us so there’s no actual ways of preventing contact with the said bacteria. However, what you can avoid is having contact with a moist environment. Fungus grows well in a warm, most environment, and Candida is not an exception.

Among the things that you better avoid in order to prevent the full development of the infection includes wet clothing especially bating suits. These are quite obvious since we just mentioned that fungus likes growing in warm and wet environment. Tight fitted pants, most especially jeans are a no-no. You should avoid leotards and spandex as well. The tight contact of the clothes to your skin prevents the area to breathe. The close skin contact also might cause some uncomfortable feelings and also trigger some reactions worsening the situation.

Nylon material on your underwear is also a good thing to avoid. Cotton would be ideal choice being clean and has a fabric that allows breathing space. Likewise, avoid pantyhose. Or you really want to wear pantyhose, just wear cotton underwear underneath.

Other tips that we suggest cover your personal hygiene. Keeping yourself clean especially down there is something that all women should do. Keeping your vagina clean and dry  after you take a bath or a shower will help prevent the unnecessary growth of the Candida fungus. If you’re accustomed in using deodorant napkins, perfumed tampons, or other feminine hygiene products that have been colored or perfumed, start avoiding them right away. Stick with the all natural stuff. It’s better for you, for the environment, and especially better for me.

If you have a pretty active sex life, be sure to insist using condoms. Although yeas infection is not a sexually transmitted disease, having safe sex is just a good advice. Okay, let’s move on shall we?

Normally medicines should be good for you but in order to prevent yeast infection, it is best to avoid antibiotics since this will upset the balance of microorganism in your body favoring the growth of the Candida fungus. Unless prescribed by your doctor, stay away from antibiotic pills for a while.

Also, foods high in carbohydrates and sugar are a source of food for the yeast as well. So unless you want to keep feeding your yeast something that will help it grow, then you better stick with some fresh foods like vegetables and fruits for a while. Also, in eating your food, it has been recommended to eat fresh fruits and vegetables separately from cooked food. When you combined cooked and fresh, the food will tend to ferment in your stomach. The fermented food will harbor the growth of more bacteria aside from the fungus that you already have.

The more you should learn t control your food intake if you are diabetic. Monitoring and keeping the appropriate amounts of sugar level is a good way to keep you healthy as well as keep the fungus at bay.

These are but a few tips to prevent yeast infection. As you move along your research, you will get to know more about the techniques that can be used to avoid yeast infection as well as other methods that would help you cure the infection, in case you already have one.

A Guide on How to Confirm a Yeast Infection

The best way how to confirm a yeast infection is either you make an appointment with your doctor to perform a diagnosis or taking an over the counter test. Your doctor will perform a physical assessment and take a sample of your vaginal discharge. An over the counter test, on the other hand, works much like a home pregnancy kit test where the pH balance in your system is tested to confirm the presence of a yeast infection.

It is always a good idea to confirm that you have a yeast infection before finally deciding to treat it with over the counter medications. You may end up doing even more harm to your self if you treat a condition that you do not have. A yeast infection is a bothersome condition, to say the least. However, self medicating a suspected yeast infection may disrupt the normal pH balance of the vaginal area, causing the proliferation of microorganisms which may lead to actual infections.

The trouble with resorting to over the counter yeast infection medications right away is that women are using them for the treatment of something they do not actually have. A woman who goes through certain signs and symptoms in and around her vaginal area may immediately think she is experiencing a yeast infection. But the truth is there are many other infections that also demonstrate the presenting signs and symptoms of a yeast infection. These may include bacterial vaginosis, Chlamydia and even gonorrhea.

However, there are three specific signs and symptoms of a yeast infection: discomfort, appearance and odor.  If you are experiencing the stated signs and symptoms, you are most likely suffering a yeast infection.

The most obvious symptom of a yeast infection is the discomfort in the affected area. This is certainly one of the revealing and most common symptoms of a yeast infection. The kind of discomfort is often described as an intense burning or itching sensation. Pain in urinating is experienced because of the irritated lining of the vaginal area. In severe cases the infected individual may experience extreme discomfort in the area that carrying out normal daily activities such as walking is impaired. Sexual intercourse too becomes painful for most affected women.

Another way which will help you consider the likelihood of a yeast infect ion is by taking note of the appearance of the affected area. Most individuals afflicted with a yeast infection describe in their private area – specifically, in the vaginal area – in terms of an unsightly white clump of material that resembles curdled milk. Redness and soreness is evident in the affected area. A discharge may or may not be present, depending on the case. Note that only about 20% of women afflicted the infection report the presence of a discharge in the vaginal area. The discharge may be clear to whitish or slightly yellowish, and may be anywhere from thin to thick consistency.

Lastly, another sign that may help how to confirm a yeast infection is the distinct odor. The discharge may or may not be accompanied by a starchy odor, the kind that resembles bread or beer. Notice that yeast is used in bread making as a leavening agent, and in beer making for fermentation. That is because the infection basically is a fungal infection – commonly caused by Candida albicans, a form of yeast.


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